Read-a-thon reading goals:
- To complete two books
- To knock off one of the books for the Mount TBR Challenge
- To read at least three chapters of my current read, Reading Reasons
- Above all else, enjoy RaT!
Ready, Set, Read!
Update #1
10:08 a.m. - two hours in...on p. 36. I'm taking my time and devouring this gem of a book, which is now a forever go to. Breakfast and update done. Now, back to my book!
Update #2
11:53 a.m. - Completed The Smudging and Blessings Book. Pages read = 96
Next Up:
Update #3
2:20 p.m. - Since the last update, I've started my current read, ate lunch, shared updates on several sites, and watched a YouTube video with the teen. Pages read = 33
Update #4
6:40 p.m. - on p. 62 of Teach Like You Hair is on Fire. Since I'm not feeling the book right now, I'm taking a break to read this beauty:
Update #5
9:50 p.m. - Finished Hands Up! pages read = 32. Moved on to a book not in my Read-a-thon TBR stack, but one that's been on my Goodreads TBR shelf for a long time. Thus far, I've read 14% of Odd & True.
Update #6 (10/27/19)
6:12 a.m. - Reading Reasons is my current read. Hoping to get three chapters read before the close of read-a-thon.
Post Read-a-thon Wrap-up (10/31/19)
At the start of read-a-thon, I had a nagging feeling that I would choose a book that was not in my reading pile for the day. That tingling sensation traversing throughout my body soon become hard to ignore. As a result, I discarded the remaining books in my stack for Odd & True by Cat Winters. Although I only achieved two of the four goals I set at the start of read-a-thon, I still call it a win. I completed two books and was more social than I've ever been during previous read-a-thons. It was a good day!
Books Completed:
The Smudging and Blessings Book - pages read = 96
Hands Up! - pages read = 32
Unfinished Books:
Odd & True - pages read = 62
Reading Reasons - pages read = 30
Teach Like Your Hair Is on Fire - pages read 62
Total pages read = 282
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