Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-thon Fall 2019 Announcement, Updates, & Wrap-Up

Hello reader friends! I decided to participate in read-a-thon after all. Here's my reading stack for the next 24 hours:

Read-a-thon reading goals: 
  1. To complete two books
  2. To knock off one of the books for the Mount TBR Challenge
  3. To read at least three chapters of my current read, Reading Reasons  
  4. Above all else, enjoy RaT!
Ready, Set, Read!  

Update #1 
10:08 a.m. - two hours in...on p. 36. I'm taking my time and devouring this gem of a book, which is now a forever go to. Breakfast and update done. Now, back to my book!


Update #2
11:53 a.m. - Completed The Smudging and Blessings Book. Pages read = 96

Next Up: 

Update #3

2:20 p.m. - Since the last update, I've started my current read, ate lunch, shared updates on several sites, and watched a YouTube video with the teen.   Pages read = 33


Update #4

6:40 p.m. - on p. 62 of Teach Like You Hair is on Fire. Since I'm not feeling the book right now, I'm taking a break to read this beauty: 


Update #5

9:50 p.m. - Finished Hands Up! pages read = 32. Moved on to a book not in my Read-a-thon TBR stack, but one that's been on my Goodreads TBR shelf for a long time. Thus far, I've read 14% of Odd & True


Update #6 (10/27/19)

6:12 a.m. - Reading Reasons is my current read. Hoping to get three chapters read before the close of read-a-thon.


Post Read-a-thon Wrap-up (10/31/19)

At the start of read-a-thon, I had a nagging feeling that I would choose a book that was not in my reading pile for the day. That tingling sensation traversing throughout my body soon become hard to ignore. As a result, I discarded the remaining books in my stack for Odd & True by Cat Winters.  Although I only achieved two of the four goals I set at the start of read-a-thon, I still call it a win. I completed two books and was more social than I've ever been during previous read-a-thons. It was a good day!

Books Completed
The Smudging and Blessings Book - pages read = 96
Hands Up! - pages read = 32

Unfinished Books:
Odd & True - pages read = 62
Reading Reasons - pages read = 30
Teach Like Your Hair Is on Fire - pages read 62

Total pages read = 282

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