My Written Melodies

Old Sears Building, Montgomery, AL
Building demolished in May 2012
When I was younger, I used to write and publish my own books. My stories were penned on notebook paper glued between two quadrants of green, blue, red, or purple construction paper. The upper-right corner touted the whopping sticker price of a quarter at most. Family, church members, and neighbors flocked to support my budding authorship. My most dedicated patrons were my next door neighbors, Pone and NaeNae (childhood nicknames), who were forever on house restriction. It tickled my mother to no end every time either one of them purchased one of my books.  

Somewhere during my junior high years, my writing voice became stifled. Now as a thirty-something adult, I'm in the process of rediscovering the eight-year old girl, who almost caused her father to crash the car when she demanded he buy her the old Sears Building to turn into a bookstore to sell her books. 

This page is dedicated to my writings. A few of my pieces may have a backstory, which I will share. Feel free to offer constructive criticism. It will serve to better my writing.




Writing Affirmation

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