Books picked. Snacks prepped. Electronics charged. Everything I needed for twenty-four, solid hours of reading was in place. Off to bed. Rise and shine, the day has come! Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I check my phone. It's not yet 8 o'clock. Quickly, I open up to the day's current devotional. What! You got to be kidding me!? It's the 16th. The read-a-thon isn't's next Saturday, the 23rd. Sucker-punch right to the gut. I knew the read-a-thon was on the 23rd, but somehow in my mind the 23rd equated to the 16th. Needless to say, I had to regroup and replan my day. It's going to be a long seven days, I think.
Meanwhile the week comes and goes as excitement for read-a-thon builds. Yay, read-a-thon is finally here! However, after the first few hours, the bubbling excitement I'd barely contained the past couple of weeks cooled leaving a meh feeling in its place. I just wasn't feeling it anymore. I guess the date mix-up had a more lingering effect than I thought. Even though I missed my reading goal by one book and one chapter, my first read-a-thon was not a bust. I'm now two books less behind on my Goodreads challenge and I was still able to knock a book of my TBR list.
Books Completed:
The Color of My Words by Lynn Joseph
Pages Read: 138
Favorite Quote: "But I wanted more than anything a notepad of my very own. One in which I could write "POEMS by Ana Rosa Hèrnandez" on the first page and then fill it up with words—long words, short words, words that smelled and tasted and felt like something new." (11)

Girl in the Blue Coat by Monica Hesse
Pages Read = 271 (started reading before RaT; picked up from pg 30)
Favorite Quote: "Maybe we can't barter our feelings away, trading good deeds for bad ones and expecting to become whole...I think it's possible to be healed without feeling whole." (Quote taken from ARC)
Despite my mood change, all in all, I'll say that my first read-a-thon was a success. Looking forward to the next one in October!
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