Sunday, September 29, 2013


There was one embodying strength and valor
whose doubts of usefulness constantly sniped at his mind
unwilling to release its hold.
For see wolves stole his sight, yet
beyond the reaches of these carnivorous animals
laid his unwavering faith.
The light of his heart untouched guided the way.
Never alone, the time drew near
Sacrifice unlocked the purpose, vision made plain the plan.
Plagued, raked, and ravished at the hands of many
One stayed firmed dispatching messengers.
“Merlin, the moment’s at hand—
 Go forth my child, alight the path.”

*My poem submitted for the Merlin Spiral Contest.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Bold to behold, strong as an ox
when you walk the world stops
you are the very essence of masculinity.
Do you know, do you know
     the power you possess?
Look and you shall see,
Listen and you shall hear,
Close your eyes and you will feel,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Review: Merlin's Blade (The Merlin Spiral #1) by Robert Treskillard

Robert Treskillard. Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 2013. 432 pp.
Rating: Striking

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Goodreads Summary:

A strange meteorite. 

A deadly enchantment. 

And only Merlin can destroy it. 

A meteorite brings a mysterious black stone whose sinister power ensnares everyone except Merlin, the blind son of a swordsmith. Soon, all of Britain will be under its power, and he must destroy the stone—or die trying.

Confession: As much as I love the Arthurian Legend, I have not read any books on it besides the movie novelization, King Arthur, based on the screenplay by David Franzoni. I own several books on the subject and even skimmed through one for a British Literature class project. Beyond terrible, I know. Each interpretation of the Arthurian Legend offers something different, something new, and somewhere within may lie the truth. Merlin's Blade is no exception.