Rebecca Maizel. New York: St, Martin's Griffin,
2013. 304 pp.
Rating: Decent
**Spoiler Alert: This review contains mild spoilers.**
After surviving the ritual
she performed to restore Vicken's humanity, Lenah returns to Wickham's campus.
Upon her return, Lenah witnesses a horrendous, yet familiar
act. However, before processing the latest scene, Lenah encounters the
legendary Aeris. Their visit is most unexpected, but it doesn't compare to the
live, very mortal figure of Rhode Lewin. Lost in the moment, Lenah forgets
Justin's presence at her side, though she quickly discovers Rhode's
reappearance comes at a price. Amid the turmoil, a formidable opponent reveals
itself. A foe more powerful than her coven, the aspiring vampire queen Odette.