Thursday, January 2, 2014

My New Year's Promise

A new year brings with it fresh starts, new beginnings, and renewed energies. By now thousands of New Year's resolutions have been written, declared, and affirmed. Some of them will be attained, many will be broken, yet hundreds will never be attempted at all. 

This year I've opted not to make any resolutions, but I'm going to make a New Year's promise instead. In 2014, I promise to become a better book reviewer and blogger. Sometimes the reader in me overpowers the blogger forcing me to devour the next book on my TBR pile. Other times I'm terrified to write. Translating my thoughts into coherent, engaging, and enjoyable text is an intimidating feat that ofttimes leads to frustration. Rather than pushing through my frustration or taking a short break, I just stop. Stop writing. Stop practicing. Stop improving. Stop working on my craft. 

As you can imagine, such destructive behavior has left numerous unfinished reviews, plus a few story attempts in its wake. However, this year brings with it a promise to unlearn unproductive patterns and form productive ones. My journey to become a better writer must start somewhere. So, it begins here, on my blog, today, 2 January 2014. To keep with my promise, along with current reviews, I will be completing and posting all of my half-written reviews that are in my draft folder over the next few weeks. Also, Book Talk Tuesday will resume next week on the seventh. 

I'm excited about all 2014 has to offer. Big things are in store...giveaways, author interviews, and more! It's going to be an awesome year!! 

P.S. Don't worry...I've also promised to consistently exercise. Ha! :-)


  1. Oh boy! I should DEFINITELY be making the same promise! My blogging and book reviewing simply fell apart at the end of 2013. I have lots of reasons (my husband would call them "excuses") why this happened, but its not cool!
    Best of luck in your writing and reviewing!!


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