Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Book Talk Tuesday: What Books Are Talking to You?

Pick of the Week: 

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer - Book two of The Lunar Chronicles is a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with a splash of Cinderella, as Cinder is intertwined throughout the story line. I won an advance copy of Cress, but cannot move on to the third installment until I've read the second. Fear of missing any tiny detail, forces me to read a book series in order.

So, what books are talking to you this week?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Review: Almost Home by Joan Bauer

Joan Bauer. New York: Viking, 2012. 264 pp.
Rating: Striking

Being a kid is tough. There's no need to add parent/child role reversals to adolescence. Sometimes, however, it is inevitable. No one knows this more than Sugar Mae Cole.

Sugar lives with her flighty mother, Reba, who aspires to be a grand Southern Belle. Her father, Mr. Leeland, as Sugar refers to him, is an absent parental figure constantly scouring the country seeking his next big win. In her father's stead, grandfather King Cole, showers Sugar with love, support, and lots of sage advice chocked full of life lessons.

Life is color. Sugar Mae Cole, greeting card writer extraordinaire, artfully illustrates that it's whatever color you choose to paint it. Early

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Book Talk Tuesday: What Books Are Talking to You?

The inaugural Book Talk Tuesday kicked off with a nonfiction pick. I decided to continue in that vein and add a historical fiction read as well. 

Picks of the Week

Black and White: The Confrontation between Reverend Fred L. Shuttlesworth and Eugene "Bull" Conner by Larry Dane Brimner -  Black & White delves into the civil unrest of the 1950's and '60's in Birmingham, AL. 

Nellie the Brave: The Cherokee Trail of Tears (Sisters in Time #10) by Veda Boyd Jones - I ran across this book a few months back, while perusing the book section in a local thrift store. The Sisters in Time Series is geared towards ages 8-12.

What books are talking to you this week?