Sunday, April 6, 2014

Review: Rush (The Game #1) by Eve Silver

Eve Silver. New York: Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins, 2013. Ebook.
Rating: Worthy + 🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙

Gaming: Is it innocent fun or possible death?

Miki is one of many teenagers snatched unwillingly and drafted unknowingly into a war against the Drau. In a burst of light, these monstrous metallic-eyed beasts attack. With one look into their eyes, the extraterritorial beings kill...draining all life out of the body. Lacking a reset, revive, or multi-lives button, the outcome is detrimental to survival. For the actions in the game aren't sequestered in that realm alone,but transcends to the parallel dimension as well. Receiving a skimpy instruction crash course, Miki must play, ready or not.